Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday 28th June: Castleton for lunch and whitby Abbey in the evening

We printed off and wrote some postcards, then had a pleasant inland tour before ending up at Castelton Tea rooms for lunch.
It was extremely busy, more than 20 customers inside and at least a dozen cyclist outside, it's amazing how Jan and Angie managed to cope!
Pat wanted to shop for some clothes on the way back to camp so into Whitby we went, and while there I took just a couple more images, here is the old Whitby Lifeboat (now it does pleasure cruises) coming back under the swing bridge.
Hard to believe looking at it that the boat is over 74 years old! it saved more than 200 lives in a distinguished career.
After such a large lunch we had a snack tea then drove up to park near the Abbey, I got this shot,
then walked a couple of miles along the seven foot high wall, and came to the top of the Abbey steps
The next steps was to continue at the hilltop and get this up river.
Before struggling up the steep track back to the car park.

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