Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tuesday 18th August: South Stack and Trearrdur Bay

Overcast and dull, we decided to head up to Trearrdur Bay and the south Stack lighthouse, driving across the island through Llangefni to pick up the A5.
Though dull it wasn't cold, though there is a quite strong wind blowing, and we arrived at Trarrdur to find it surprisingly quiet.
I did a panoramic of the bay and there were only a couple of people on the beach.

We stopped at one of the little bays beyond Trearrdur and I did this second panoramic,

Then after a brief stop at the next bay to visit the loo we arrived in the ticket office car park for South Stack Lighthouse.
There was obviously no way that either of us could cope with the 400 steps down to the lighthouse (not to mentioon the 400 back up!) So I wandered down the short slope by the car park to the view point.
The wild flowers are amazing this year, the path had great slabs of rock as steps, and the lighhouse soon came into view.

I took a shot with the foreground cliffs in view

then switched lenses to the 55-200 zom for a close up of the lighthouse itself.

By now we were feeling hungry and dropped down into Holyhead to visit a Fish and Chip Cafe which was so good I forgot my cap (I left it on the chair next to me) Ah well, I did enjoy my dinner!
Once this was behind up we drove along the north coast to Church Bay where we walked down the small slope and I took this Panoramic view (5 images combined)

Pat found even this slope hard going so we headed back to camp for our cusomary rest, stopping at a Caravan spares shop to get a new door stop/ catch, which I fitted on our return.

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