Sunday, July 10, 2011

Saturday 9th July: Skinningrove, Recycling centre of the universe!

There are many flashy seaside resorts in Yorkshire, but a place that seems to me to catch the Yorkshire spirit much more, is the tiny mining and fishing village of Skinningrove.
No fancy amusements here, but they do have the finest beach in Yorkshire, and have made recycling into an Artform!
Here is the poignant locally made monument to the many fishermen lost off this coast, and what could be more appropriate than to use an old unseaworthy coble for the job? They found it on the beach according to the board, patched it up there it is!
View from the front
And rear
Here is the carved figure at the tiller.
Skinningrove is in the bottom of a cleft in the cliffs and the slopes are put to good use for pigeon lofts and allotments.
Aren't they brilliant?
no problems with planning permission here, methinks!
and finally two views of the most individual garden I have ever seen!
Doesn't that make you want to rush out and do something to your garden?
I love Skinningrove, long may it stay unspoilt by modern times!

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