Saturday, August 08, 2009

Saturday August 8th: Coldingham Bay

Nice and sunny right from sunrise so its Coldingham Bay today!
As we crossed into Scotland I did a little detour to photograph Ayton Castle, a typically Scottish grand house with turrets and all the other fancy bits,

and shortly we got to coldingham there to find that for once there was plenty of room on the car park.
I did a panoramic shot of the left hand side of the bay.

Then we hiked across the beach to find a spot where Pat could sun herself out of the wind. I went for a walk among the rocks, then climbed the many steps to the cliff top and took the short walk around to look down into St Abbs.
coldingham bay has very oddly coloured rocks, sort of "pinky-purple" in colour, though they now seem very much less colourful and darker than they did when we were young (of course it could be that my eyes are going!!)

Pretty soon the beach started to fill up and it was getting on for lunch time, so we headed back over the border to hava a Plowman's Lunch at the Oxford Farm Shop, followed by their deliciously fattening fruit scones, butter and homemade Strawberry Jam.
Here's Pat enjoying the scones!

(We bought a couple of spare scones to have for supper!)
Since it was still lovely and sunny we drove inland and up into the Harthope Valley to enjoy the scenery, it was amazing to see how far the winter floods had spread beyond the normal river course, uprooting trees and carrying large boulders out onto the banks, also in place where there had been a slope to the river, now there are 6 feet high undercut banks, like miniature cliffs.

On the way back to camp I spotted this very attractive sky

We came back for an afternoon rest then shopped at morrisons and had lunch in the cafe.
I then walked down onto the beach as has become my habit while here, and took (youve guessed) a couple of extra photos!
This chap wasn't having much luck, the only thing he reeled in was a bunch of seaweed

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