Saturday, June 25, 2011

Saturday 25th June 2011 Scarborough and Whitby evening walk

When we got to Scarbough we found that the sea fron near the harbour was closed to traffic, so we parked in the underground car park and walked towards the Spa
where we went for a light meal. This is the view from the cafe
Scarbough is know to be the first seaside resort, this wall plaque tells why!
Plenty of colour along the sea front
There were lots of charity events going on including a great aerobatics display, these pictures will tell the story.

On our way back to the car we could see the huge crowds on the sea front
WE had a lazy afternoon and curried chicken with salad for tea then went for an evening walk in the old town of Whitby.
It was warm enough for people to sit out in the square enjoying a beer
And when we reached as far as we could go, I did this panorama

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